Your Voice Is Your Life. Think about this statement. Isn’t this correct? Your Voice IS your life. Take a quiet moment to just imagine how your life would radically change without your voice. The list of life changes would appear to be endless. Yet, many of us probably take our voice for granted. It is easy to do. We just expect to open our mouth and words will come out. And when our tiny Larnxy becomes infected, we might be more concerned about the change in our schedule rather than our poor infected instrument.
I recommend that you begin to tell your voice every day that you love and appreciate it. The voice is simply the most extraordinary communication instrument ever created. In the world of popular vocal artists, the growing list of those who have had vocal surgery would surprise you. From Celine Dion to Elton John to Myley Cyrus, and many, many more. But thankfully this vocal damage can be prevented by changing your vocal technique.
At Your Voice Is Your Life you will learn how to organically create the power and support required to vocalize to your potential no matter what genre or style of vocalizing you are interested in. And finally, you will be in control with a healthy voice. I promise!